Friday, November 2, 2007

Do men look you in the eyes?

People treat you differently when you are fat.
They treat you much better when you are not fat.
Is this fair? Of course not. But we live in a physical world, and we all react to appearances, fair or not.

I've talked to women who were very angry that men talked to them differently after they'd reshaped their bodies. They resented it, saying they were still the same person inside.

I say no way, you are not the same person. You are the person that overcame the burden of being overweight, you are the person who persevered, you are the person who now loves to shop and feels comfortable in well cut jeans and cute tops, you are NOT THE SAME PERSON.

Certainly, I am a new person. I have a confidence in myself that I never had before, and let me tell you, I was never a blushing wallflower of a person. I delight in the way men react to me now. They look me in the eyes when they talk to me. They flirt. Flirting is fun. Wouldn't you love to experience flirting?

I started this blog for a lot of reasons. I have so many thoughts and opinions about changing my life and saying goodbye to too much weight, that I just had to get them out. And if I can encourage anyone else to change his or her life...well, that would be wonderful. But mostly, I thought it would be cathartic to face myself, and share this part of myself with others. I was in denial for so long. My perspective of myself was so wrongly skewed. I thought I looked...ok. I wasn't that fat, right? I could still buy clothes. I still had friends. But then my body started to betray me...

Sure, deep down, I knew how fat I was. I wanted to be thin, but I wanted to eat. My dear friend FK always tell me that change comes with saying goodbye, that some things have to go. That you can't always keep what you have, to get what you want. No longer could I sit around with the cheesy puffs, wondering why I wasn't thin. Physics won't allow it.

So this is the place to write about what I did, what I'm doing, and how I've changed and will continue to change. It's an awesome journey, and I love it!

And you will too. I want everyone to take that first step, even if it hurts...I want us all to be healthy and happy.

Stuff I love!

Paul McKenna. I mentioned in my first post that I used his bood/CD combo as an aid. It's called I Can Make You Thin. He's a British hypnotist, and somehow, he reached me. In the early days, I listened to that CD every day. I still listen a couple of days a week. It helped me to recognize when I was satisfied, and to stop eating. I developed new food habits, and approached the process with new eyes. If anyone knows Paul McKenna, please tell him I'd like to give him a hug some day!

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