Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fat people are taking over.

You already know it's true. Americans are getting fatter and fatter. And it's really unattractive. Seriously. I've lived it. That gives me license to call it as I see it.

What happens when more Americans are fat, than average? I wonder if our values would change, if we would start to revere the plump the way we currently worship the stick. What happens to Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie? I have to admit, it would be kinda sweet to see those girls pack on some pounds, so they can be round like us. And it would probably be good for them, a relief even, to eat a little more. Have some soft curves. Generous breasts. Sweeter smiles.

But that's not the way we're going. The curves are great, they're normal. But we're going into the land of blob. Watching people hobble around in pain, or scooter through the grocery store because they can't walk to buy their cheesy poofs...these things do not bode well.

Why are we allowing this to happen? Why do we continue to make ourselves miserable?
We turn a blind eye to the truth, and continue to eat fake food, praying for a pill or potion that will make us thin, beautiful and happy. Everyone wants to sell us the illusion of health, and we keep buying it.

100 years ago, people didn't sit on their couches, mindlessly eating cheesy poofs while staring at television. Cheesy poofs are not food. They don't nourish our bodies. Convenience meals are not real food. We just want to believe it is. And the amazing thing is, once you start really enjoy good, healthy, more natural foods, you lose your desire for most of that junk. It just doesn't taste as good anymore. Now if I indulge, (and yeah, I do indulge; soon I'll write about Lost Food Weekends), I seek foods that are much better for me, and truly delicious. It's fun.

I watch what people eat very closely. It's appalling and fascinating to see what people buy in grocery stores. Carts stocked with soda pop, frozen meals, boxed rice, cheesy poofs. A couple of weeks ago my sis told me she was eating brown rice. Yay! I was so pleased, but I kept my mouth shut because I was afraid encouragement might sway her the other way, since as sisters we tend to be a little contrary to each other. A rare trip to the grocery store together revealed the truth: She was buying instant brown rice. It's about the same as white rice: pretty worthless. All the good stuff is stripped from it, leaving no nutrients for feeding your body. Ah well, she's trying...

Back to the subject. We all know better. We all feel better when we are less fat. The less fat we are, the better we feel. As much as I watch what people eat, I look for light on their faces. That inner glow that tells me they are well, generally happy, and diggin' their paths.

We can cultivate that glow by caring for ourselves. It's something I learn more about every day. It's not always easy. Sometimes I backslide. It's why I'm writing this blog. Because I know how it feels to be really fat, and this is so much better. I want more of us to be happy and healthy, and maybe some of us can find our way together.

The tide is in an interesting place right now--it could turn in the right direction. We are becoming more and more educated about this fast food nation of ours, and that's really exciting! I'm ridin' that wave, baby!

Stuff I love!

Tomato sandwiches and tea on Saturday mornings, when I don't have to work. I love being off work on Saturdays. I still get up early, do some yoga, tidy the apartment, pet the cats a little more than I can most days, listen to some good music (today I've been loving the soundtrack to Garden State), and enjoy some food I don't always have time for. I love warm tomato sandwiches, with just a little raw, organic cheese. And tea. Good imported tea. Something spicy. Sweetened with Stevia. Saturday mornings, I have the time to moisturize after my shower. Ahhh....

I love Saturdays. And today is mighty fine, writing this blog, enjoying my tea and sandwich, and looking forward to dinner with friends later. Life is good!


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